Saturday, January 22, 2011

Predicting an On-Time Arrival

At 37.5 weeks, my doctor says that the baby is progressing well.

-I am 50% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated.

At 37.5 weeks, I can tell she is right because…

-I stopped walking and began waddling.

-Putting on my shoes is somewhat breathtaking.

-Finding a good sleeping position is challenging.

-My husband used the term “massive.”

-We installed the car seat in the Mommy Mobile.

-I still like chocolate milk and macaroni & cheese.

-I take note of the location of the bathroom wherever I go.

-I no longer fit in my students’ desks at school.

-My students decided the baby is a girl and named her Crystal.

-I am officially finished working.

-I have experienced many acts of random kindness lately.

1 comment:

  1. You are adorable!! Can't wait to hear that your little one is here, and then to see you with a darling baby in your arms. I couldn't be happier for you, and will keep you in my prayers
